
Make "I am Living Healthy, Happy and Green everyday" your mantra!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Start Running

Before you start running make sure you talk to your doctor to get a health evaluation. Once the doctor gives you the ok to run, then begin looking for running shoes that provides proper support for your body type and made by an environmentally conscious company. Also, be aware that this is the month of June and it is warm; wear comfortable clothing that allows your body to breathe.

Always warm up and then stretch before you run. To build endurance and prevent injury, start off walking and slowly increase your pace until you run. Take time to build your endurance over several weeks. Don't forget it may be hot outside; therefore, run in the morning or evening when the sun is not at its peak. Most importantly, make sure you are hydrated before and after you run.

LHHG tips for hydrating your body:
H2O-water is the best choice for runners.
Sports drinks that include carbohydrates (not sugar) and or electrolytes are great choices, particularly if you run more than an hour and half.
Eat foods with high water content such as fresh fruits and vegetables to help hydrate the body.

Stay away from caffeine based drinks, alcohol, and sodas loaded with sugar.
And remember, if you feel dehydrated stop running and drink some fluids.

Now get out and run. It is a great way to get connected to your environment!!!!

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