
Make "I am Living Healthy, Happy and Green everyday" your mantra!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Magnolia Tree Beholder of Time-Poem

Magnolia Tree
beholder of time
its beauty and flora
was made to survive
through years of evolution
natural acts of mother earth
its tough flora
brightens up the sky
with bundles of fragrant
white, pink and purple life
beloved by all
who watches
the perennial buds emerge
blooming one petal at a time

from the memoirs of Alena Pinque Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.  No Reproductions allowed.

LHHG's Article Suggestion:
Do you want to learn more about the Magnolia Tree? 
The "Magnolia Essential Southern Plant: When Magnolia tree's sweet fragrance fills the air, you know you're in the South" The Complete Guide to Magnolia Trees - Southern Living

Saturday, July 16, 2011


GROW!: GROW! Movie Drive-In UP DATES:: "It's a beautiful day in Serenbe.... 6 hours until the Drive-In Movie Event begins. Little Country Giants play at 7, Raffle prizes announced ..."
Grow is a 50 minute documentary that captures the energy and independence of a fresh crop of young farmers in Georgia.

Friday, June 24, 2011

“When Nature Calls” – Public Toilet Design by Eddie Gandelman

Eddie Gandelman's "When Nature Calls" is a amazing innovative idea for public restroom urinals that not only creates a more pleasant experience for it users but also is great for the environment.

Urinal Design Elements:
The design: It is in a 4 pod urinal design format for privacy.

This urinal has two functions: 1) allows men to relieve themselves 2) waters plants.

The urinal employs 3 processes: 1) the urine and water are collected 2) both are filtered 3) the filtered water is absorbed by the plants.

Thanks Mr. Eddie Gandelman for a great idea!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The answer to "What is Green Chemistry?"

Green Chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Green Chemistry relies on a set of 12 principles that can be used to design or re-design molecules, materials and chemical transformations to be safer for human health and the environment.

For more information about green chemistry please see visit the following sites.

* Introductory Readings in Green Chemistry – Green Chemistry Institute
* Green Chemistry – The US Environmental Protection Agency

The Easy-Breezy, Breathing-Easy Cleaning Arsenal: 12 Natural Cleaning Recipes

 The Easy-Breezy, Breathing-Easy Cleaning Arsenal: 12 Natural Cleaning Recipes

 The labels on most household products read like the periodic table violently collided with a bowl of alphabet soup. What are those ingredients, and what might they do to our homes, our pets and our loved ones? A foolproof way to know what’s in your cleaning products is to make them yourself. It’s easy and economical, with the added benefit of reducing your household’s carbon footprint by creating less packaging waste and less pollution from manufacturing and shipping.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Leg Injury? Upper Body Cardio Workout to Burn Calories in Bed - Planet Green

Leg Injury? Upper Body Cardio Workout to Burn Calories in Bed - Planet Green

Laura House
Many of us who workout by running, aerobics, treadmill, etc. find ourselves in pain and we have to take time off.  Laura House's article offers ideas and a video on how to stay in shape with little impact, while recovering from an injury. 

Try Eating Vegetarian Style

Eating healthy is important to a healthy mind and body.  Try reducing your meat intake by adding a vegetarian diet to your meal plan a few days a month.  Our founder Vanessa Turner is trying.  What has she learned?  By making a conscious effort to eat less meat makes you feel more energetic and it does help with losing weight.  She gives credit to Russell Simmons’ book “Super Rich” for making her want to reduce her daily meat intake.

In-addition, LHHGBlockParty found a really cute article posted by WebMD that talks about this very subject.  The article A Vegetarian Diet: Not as Difficult as it Sounds by Ed Moser makes you giggle a little bit.